Offers owner "Warsaw University of natural Sciences"

Research in the field of wood technology is technical and natural in nature. Graduates have knowledge in the field of wood science, technology of wood and wood products, as well as Economics and organization drzewnictwa


The beginning of the faculty of construction and environmental engineering was the creation in the 1946/1947 academic year, on the initiative of Professor Stanislav Turchinovich section of reclamation, at the faculty of agriculture SGGW.


In the fifties and sixties, there were repeated changes in the structure of the faculty and the curriculum. New institutes, departments, and stakes were created. Some of them were transferred to other faculties of AGRICULTURE and received from them To the faculty of Horticulturists.


The faculty of Forestry in Warsaw alludes by its traditions to the Special school of Forestry, established in 1816. It was the first on Polish lands – one of the first in the world – forest University as an academic.


Veterinary medicine, understood as a set of knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of veterinary science, necessary to perform all activities reserved for the veterinarian, is a collection of natural Sciences


The faculty of Agriculture and Biology is the oldest faculty of AGRICULTURE, established in 1906. We have more than a century of history of education in the specialty Agriculture, and for more than 15 years we have been training in the direction of " Biology, a few years ago we launched the first in
