Department of horticulture and biotechnology

In the fifties and sixties, there were repeated changes in the structure of the faculty and the curriculum. New institutes, departments, and stakes were created. Some of them were transferred to other faculties of AGRICULTURE and received from them To the faculty of Horticulturists.


In the fifties and sixties, there were repeated changes in the structure of the faculty and the curriculum. New institutes, departments, and stakes were created. Some of them were transferred to other faculties of AGRICULTURE and received from them To the faculty of Horticulturists. At this time, training began in most of the available modes: one-stage, two-stage and began enrollment in graduate school. Distance learning is open. In 1957, it was transferred to the University of vilanovsky holding (vilanov, Volitsa, Natolin, Mochidlo, Povsin, Ursynov, cowsheds), in 1963, a Greenhouse training center was created. The seventies abounded in conferences and scientific symposia organized by the Faculty. Institutions were put in place of cathedrals. Postgraduate courses are being formed: protection and formation of the environment, as well as gardening. A library was opened, and a field for experiments on Wolicy. During this period, projects for new greenhouses and faculty buildings are being created. Eighties and nineties During this time, the staff of the Department were active both in the field of professional and social. The faculty has trade unions. In 1981, a greenhouse complex was put into operation, and the name Greenhouse experimental center was introduced. The first Congress of graduates was organized. In 1990, phytotron rooms were put into operation. The following year, a laboratory and training building was commissioned in Volitsa. Attempts to create a faculty of landscape Architecture began. In 1992, a new building Of the faculty of Horticulture(greenhouse building) was commissioned, construction began in 1968. A highly automated greenhouse has been put into operation in Volitsa. Organizational unit The Faculty has the following departments: Department Of Landscape Architecture Department Of Applied Entomology Department of plant Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology Department Of Environmental Protection Cathedral Of Ornamental Plants Cathedral of Plants, Vegetables and Medicines The Judicial Cathedral Department Of Landscape Art An Independent Plant Phytopathology Separate Department Of Natural Foundations Of Gardening Independent Laboratory For assessment and Evaluation of Natural Resources Independent Laboratory of organization And Economics of Horticulture Greenhouse Experimental Center Experimental Field For Growing Blueberries Experimental Field Wolica Directions description Within the framework of training in the specialty "gardening" are conducted: master's and engineering degrees correspondence (correspondence) education of engineering and master's degree As part of the training in the specialty "landscape design" are held: master's and engineering degrees College part-time (evening) degree of technical correspondence (correspondence) training of master's degree Within the framework of training in the specialty "biotechnology" are held: master's and engineering degrees
