Faculty of construction and environmental engineering

The beginning of the faculty of construction and environmental engineering was the creation in the 1946/1947 academic year, on the initiative of Professor Stanislav Turchinovich section of reclamation, at the faculty of agriculture SGGW.


The beginning of the faculty of construction and environmental engineering was the creation in the 1946/1947 academic year, on the initiative of Professor Stanislav Turchinovich section of reclamation, at the faculty of agriculture SGGW. This section in 1948/1949 was transformed Into the Department of Water Reclamation, and then in 1950/1951, first in The Department of agricultural land Reclamation, and in 1954/1955 in the Department of Water Reclamation. Under this name, the Department operated in the 1989/1990 school year, when it became the Department of land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering, and in 2000. changed its name to the Faculty of Engineering and environmental engineering. For many years, the faculty has faced difficulties in the field of housing and communal services. Lectures and practical classes for students were held in rooms located in different parts of Warsaw. Only in 1971 the Department moved to the newly erected building at 159 Novoursynovskaya street. Both Construction (in 2004) And environmental Engineering (in 2007) were accredited and received a positive assessment from the State accreditation Commission. In 2010, the Faculty infrastructure expanded to a new building of the Cooling Center-a group of laboratories equipped with modern research equipment. Until December 31, 2010, he worked under the name of the Faculty of Engineering and environmental Formation[1]. The faculty has the right to confer the degrees of doctor and candidate of Sciences in the field of agricultural Sciences in the discipline of protection and formation of the environment and in the field of technical Sciences in the discipline of construction, which allows education. M. in particular for his teaching and scientific work. Organizational units[2] Department Of Construction Engineering[1] Department Of Engineering Geology Cathedral Of Water Engineering[1] Cathedral Of The Formation Of The Environment Laboratory-Center.
