Economics and social faculty

The faculty is an Economic and Social unit that conducts unique research and training areas that have the advantages of niszowości and elitism of education. The faculty provides education in three areas of bachelor's degree: ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND accounting, as well as SOCIAL POLICY


The faculty is an Economic and Social unit that conducts unique research and training areas that have the advantages of niszowości and elitism of education. The faculty provides education in three areas of bachelor's degree: ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND accounting, as well as SOCIAL POLICY, which train about 1,500 students. The faculty also conducts postgraduate studies, as well as a doctorate in Economics in the discipline of Economics. 

A wide range of practices, seminars and study trips, as well as trainings are prepared for the students of the faculty. Graduates of the Faculty will be in demand and evaluated in the labor market.


The faculty of Economics and social Sciences is the youngest faculty of the natural University in Poznan. The idea of creating a faculty of Economics at our University was born in the late nineties of the twentieth century, and for the period, in particular, dynamic development should be considered the beginning of the nineties of the XX century. However, then the specialty Economics is food Economics (school year, 1993), and on its basis, in 1996, a new direction of study was created – Economics.

The faculty of Economics and Social was established in October 2006 from the merger of the Departments of Economics, Food Economics, Economics and Organization Drzewnictwa, Pedagogy and Social Sciences. All departments of the University of economic Sciences come from the Department of agricultural Economics, which worked at the University of Poznan from its Foundation in 1919. And the Cathedral pedagogy is sukcesorka created in 1936/37 academic year, the Pedagogical Section at the Department of Agro-Forestry of the poznań University, and the Department of Social Sciences was established in 1991 at the faculty of landscape by converting an existing interagency Institute for Social Sciences in the faculty of an independent scientific and educational.

