Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Photovoltaic energy begins to be competitive
Photovoltaic energy begins to be competitive in terms of costs, especially in the solar belt, which includes countries with the most hours of sunshine, such as Spain.
Worldwide, 1.3% of the energy consumed is already photovoltaic, a figure that is increasing every year:
In Germany, a leading country in this technology, along with Italy and Greece, practically 7% of the energy consumed is of photovoltaic origin.
On the other hand, in Spain the proportion is only 3%, that is due to political and legal impediments such as the criticized "Sun Tax".
If the Germans can do it, and they have almost no sun, we can do it too. It is a matter of political will, which currently has little interest, but through pressure from various levels the European Community and judicial decisions, it is an imminent reality.
Aficlima: «El Sol es nuestra Energía»
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