20.01.2020 01:12

Life Science Open Space 2019: open Forum " Innovations for Quality of Life and Health

Day, November 26, the EXPO hotel Krakow hosted the conference " Life Science Open Space, organized By The Foundation cluster LiveScience Krakow.

Photo: http://www.izoo.krakow.pl

The forum is an industry event that was aimed at professionals, enthusiasts and activists working in the widely understood field of biotechnology and health care. This is the next edition of the event, where one could meet a person open to cooperation and looking for partners to develop innovative projects in various fields-from food, medicine, pharmaceuticals and the environment to computer science, construction, transport, leisure and others. Prepared by the LiveScience cluster Krakow the agenda consisted of the following four modules: collaboration – i.e.

short presentations about the need or possibility of establishing collaboration within scientific projects, research, startupowych and business; inspiration-an evening of entertainment, each of which has the task to raise intellectually and emotionally, show opportunities and stimulate to action; partnering - an opportunity for 1:1 meetings with potential partners in order to present and discuss proposals, ideas or needs; the exhibition is a space for the presentation of products and services on the stands of corporate and design. The conference was attended by two speakers from the Institute of animal Science PIB. Mr. Dr. eng. Wojciech Vitarski from the Department of molecular biology of animals presented a presentation entitled: "on the advantages and possibilities of breeding 3D intestinal organoids" " And You, Dr. ing. Polina rylce Rizzo from the Animal Feeding Plant and Paszoznawstwa gave a lecture on "translational Research on pig models-an effective bridge between biomedical teaching and the deployment of new drugs, equipment and therapies". Both presentations are available on the website of the LiveScience cluster Foundation dedicated to the conference: http://lifescienceopenspace.pl/badania-nad-lekami/o-przewadze-i-mozliwosciach-hodowli-3d/, http://lifescienceopenspace.pl/badania-nad-lekami/badania-translacyjne-na-modelu-swini.

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